TASK is a not for profit organization created by Government of Telangana for bringing synergy among institutions of Government, Industry & Academia with an objective of offering quality human resources and services to the industry Avanthi Degree & PG College forge partnerships with TASK to create environs conducive for growth through student development, research pilots and help students provide quality education and carve the leaders of tomorrow. There has been growing demand for college –industry partnership training schemes, in which Avanthi Degree & PG College adopts a proactive student’s development strategy so that students have the benefit of structured and organized training and learning activities. This can provide opportunities for students to develop broader knowledge and skills to take up different roles and responsibilities when they actually work in an organization. The students of Avanthi degree & Pg College are registered under TASK and accordingly various programmers offered for MBA students under the flagship of TASK are organized to bridge the gap between academia and industry